2022-12-01 18:00:00 UTC
When I wound up in California after college, I couldn’t believe the scale of the cliff faces in Yosemite Valley. A few weeks later, my buddies and I learned to lead climb. ‘Friends’ (the first camming device for climbing) had just been released; before that, climbers only used hexes and…
An Accidental Life
2022-05-10 14:55:02 UTC
I’m in Montana, watching Stetson run out onto a frozen lake, skittering and sliding across the most ephemeral of surfaces. I call him back, and he comes running. What an interesting concept, I think, to answer to something; before I found Stetson, I never had to answer to anyone but…
A Little Goes a Long Way
2022-05-03 17:07:09 UTC
Sixteen, on the spectrum, non-verbal.
Oldest of three siblings, born to deaf parents.
A youngest sibling with the same conditions.
A middle child the only speaking member of the family.
Communication is both a science and an art.
Fifteen and weighing in at well over 250.
Poor communication skills.…